It’s our time to be heard…

Why Remove the AFA?

We want to create a true “One Crew” culture at Avelo. Direct dialogue with the company beats third-party representation.

  • Avelo gave us more concrete improvements in the 10 months proceeding the union than AFA has given us in two years!

  • Before the Union vote, we were able to directly negotiate with Avelo leading to higher wages, holiday pay, and increased premium pay - without any complicated negotiating processes or union dues.

The AFA can only guarantee us Union dues and years of contract negotiations.

  • As we have witnessed negotiating a union contract is a long and complicated process. Two years have already passed and there has barely been progress. We are still YEARS away from finalizing our first contract.

  • It took Allegiant seven years to negotiate their first contract and three and a half for JetBlue. Not to mention many years of renegotiations after a sub-par first contract. This is time we do not have.

We know what we need. The AFA does not.

  • The only thing the AFA has managed to do is create divisions in our Flight Attendant workgroup. They fought tooth and nail to limit the original election to a small number of FAs - less than twenty were able to vote. Avelo now has more than 200 FAs - with many more coming. All of our voices should be heard.

A year from now, if you feel like Avelo has not implemented the changes that we deserve we can hold another vote.

A vote that will make sure we are all heard - not just ten of us!